Road test


Start driving is not allowed unless the examiner or the trainer orders.

Bring your ID card or Resident card with yourself in each test.


Before moving


Before moving on and start driving you must make sure of the following:


 Put your mobile in silent mode.-


 The glass cleansing and clear vision.-


 Using the seat belt for you and the examiner or the trainer. -


 Car doors are closed.-


- The status of the steering wheel in the right direction.


- The status of side mirrors and mirror center windshield.



Stop & parking



Places that may not be the park:


Parking allocated to the national transport. -


Parking allocated to the pedestrian crossing. -


 Parking allocated to the handicapped.-


 No parking places.-


- Parking spaces for emergency vehicles like an ambulance, civil defense and police. 


The other vehicles parking’s. -


- To the curves or turns or ridges or depressions and roundabouts.


- On bridges or in the corridors or in the upper tunnels unless there are parking places.

You must modify the steering wheel to the status of integrity during the stop the vehicle in parking.

It’s strictly prohibited to park in the wrong side parkings.

Does not occupy two parking while parking and park depending on the landline specific parking.

Make sure that the land on which to park on your vehicle is flat and the tires in the proper place.



The street belongs to all users..



The Roundabouts


A structure showing how to drive at roundabouts:

If you are driving in the right track, you can turn left or go straight up.

If you are driving in the left track, you can continue straight or turn left or refer to the opposite direction.

There is no limit speed to drive in the roundabouts, just make estimation according to the size and the location of the roundabout and since our driving school is located in Sur so the speed on the roundabout varies between 20 and 30 kms with using second gear.

The priority in the roundabouts is for the vehicle wish is coming from the left side.

You cant keep going street if the number of the road track after the roundabout less than the number of the road track before the roundabout in case you driving in the last track from the left side.




Reduce reverse distance whenever its possible as match as you can.

Don’t turn the steering wheel when reversing from the park unless half the vehicle is out of the parking place.

Reduce reverse speed as match as you can, because of unclear vision often.

Don’t change the transmission while reversing until stop the vehicle completely.


Turns & curves.


 Make sure of the priority when driving to the booth side and driving in the roundabout, you have to stop and to use the first gear if the vision is unclear.

In the case of there is a storage area in the way you want to change the direction of traffic to it must reduce the pressure on the brakes in a way that moving the vehicle and increase the pressure on the brake whine the vehicle arrive to the storage area .

Reduce the speed while driving on curves and turns so as not to lose control of the vehicle.

You must use turn signal when entering any intersection or road sub and also during parking the vehicle.

The mirror is the third eye of the driver must insure that the street you want to change the direction is clear and use the turn signal.

There is no limit speed to turn right or lift the curves but you have to guess it according to the size and location of curve by using the suitable gear.


The transmission


The transmission changing is counted according to the vehicle speed and run as follows:


 Speed from   0 to 20 by gear one.-


- Speed from 20 to 40 by gear two.


- Speed from 40 to 60 by gear three.


- Speed from 60 to 80 by gear four.


 Speed above of 80 by gear five.-


Don’t try to change the transmission to gear one when the vehicle is moving even slowly but try to move by second gear.




Traffic lights signals


Types of traffic lights signals:


 The red color in the traffic lights signals means stop.-


 The yellow color in the traffic lights signals means get ready.-


 The green color in the traffic lights signals means move.-


You must stop at every red traffic light signal and have to move at the green light.


- The man red light image means stop pedestrians crossing.


 The man green light image means pedestrians crossing.-


- Light yellow effect to allow uninterrupted passage of vehicles Very Carefully.




For overtaking you have to take care of the following points:


- Make sure that there is no any other vehicles in the another road if it’s the opposite side or its the second track of the double road.


Make sure that there is no any other vehicle overtaking.    -


 Make sure of the black point.-


 Use the turn signal.-


 - Alert the other vehicle by using the horn or the headlights.


 - Returns immediately to the right way directly after finish the overtake and make Sure of the distance and avoid a return surprise.


You must release your foot ups the accelerator pedal if there is any other vehicle overtaking you and you must depress the break pedal if the vehicle exceed the wrong way or in a dangerous manner.

Overtaking is permitted from the right side but not from the road shoulder in not less than three tracks road.

Is strictly prohibited overtaking on bends and curves and hills and valleys and the overtaking from the shoulder of the road and when there is a reference to prevent overtaking and where there is a vision is unclear.

The overtaking is strictly forbidden in the roundabouts and The pedestrians crossing places.


Traffic land lines



There are four types of road pavement and it is as the following:


  - The pavement with yellow and black means no parking some of it for national bus parking only.

- The pavement with joined yellow line means loading unloading only. No parking at curves. 

- The pavement with cutting white line means you can park. Unless if it's on the wrong side.

- The pavement with joined yellow line and yellow black colure means no parking at all.

No overtaking from both    Overtaking allowed from    Overtaking allowed ----sides                                   both sides                          from right side only

Pedestrian crossing line     strictly No overtaking          turn is allowed from                                                        both sides in no overtaking road

Overtaking is not allowed -Overtaking is allowed very carefully-Overtaking is allowed

    Way alignment line           zebra island                don't enter until exit clear


No intermediary anymore,

we change it to the success ambition..


Cautionary yellow lines placed to warn of the risk is not clear vision and unexpected, such as roundabouts and curves with a high incidence of accidents by.

Colored iron Columns placed on the valleys crossings to indicate the valleys and the high level flow valleys.

The diagram to show the stop line:    The diagram to show the give way line:

The diagram to show one way directions:  The diagram to show tow way directions:

Advice & general information.



You must leave a safe distance between you and the vehicle moving in front of you.

Must be reviewed every ten seconds about the vehicles that moving behind your vehicle through the spectrum of the internal rear view mirror and that in order to avoid accidents caused by other vehicle and also to give way for vehicles that must give way to it (emergency parking).


You must use the hand brake whenever you stop at any elevation in the street.

The horns are strictly prohibited at hospitals, medical centers, police stations and schools of all kinds.


The limit speed is 20 at hospitals, medical centers, police stations and schools.

Don’t touch anything and any equipment while driving except the steering wheel and the transmission.


Do not press on the brakes strongly to the limit during the passage of the humps.

Don’t press the brake strongly and suddenly without strong reason.

To return to the opposite direction you must remove your vehicle completely and make sure that the mid-line on the road is unjoined (overtaking is allowed) and pay attention to the vehicle running on the road.


Don’t following the limit speed, playing with the vehicle items,

and using the mobile phone,

the most reasons of accidents..



Use the turn signal if you want to turn any side and to enter another road also for parking.

You must use the mirror and the turn signal while changing your direction.

You must use the emergency signal while pedestrian crossing the road, emergency parking, or the passage of loose animals and also during the flow valleys and in the fog and the accident and to warn the another vehicle drivers whish are coming from the opposite side to avoid the dangers wish you had cruse from it.


You must use the emergency signals to warn other drivers if your vehicle should be stopped as a danger to traffic and the site does not allow the parking of vehicles.


The emergency parking is giving way for emergency vehicles like police, an ambulance and brigades vehicles while moving in an emergency mission.


You must reduce speed when approaching schools, hospitals, police stations, markets and crowded with pedestrians and places of business and residential areas.


Pay attention to the descent and the rise of children from school buses.



We don’t teach you to get the license only, but how to avoid the road risks

 after getting the license..